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Berikut Jenis Udang Laut Sehat dan yang Aman Dikonsumsi

The following types of sea prawns are healthy and safe to consume

There are various types of sea prawns that are healthy, safe to consume, and are a favorite food for seafood lovers. This sea animal can be processed into various types of delicious dishes by sautéing, frying or grilling.

One shrimp contains calcium, protein and omega fats. Even though it is safe to consume, some people who have cholesterol problems should not consume much of it. Because the cholesterol content in shrimp is also quite high.

Please note that not all shrimp are safe to process and then consume. So Healthy Friends must first sort out which shrimp are good to serve as healthy food for the family.

Ingredients in Shrimp that are Good for the Body

Shrimp is a seafood that contains protein but is low in fat. The fat in sea shrimp is generally unsaturated fat so it can help increase good cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you consume shrimp in balanced portions, this seafood can provide many benefits for the body. The mineral content in shrimp meat consists of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin E.

As previously mentioned, shrimp contain omega-3 fatty acids. This content is naturally able to minimize inflammation and the risk of heart disease. It's best to consume about 8 ounces of shrimp a week.

Even the high iodine content in sea shrimp will interact with the thyroid gland to speed up its activity. So that iodine can minimize the risk of developing goiter or autoimmune disorders.

Vaname Shrimp Remaining Tail

Types of Sea Shrimp that are Healthy and Safe to Eat

After understanding the various ingredients in shrimp, of course Healthy Friends will be more confident in making healthy processed shrimp at home. The following are types of shrimp that are healthy and safe for consumption.

  1. Rebon/Ebi

Rebon shrimp have the smallest size compared to other types of marine shrimp, which is around 2 – 3 cm. The color is clear, it is often processed into shrimp paste, shredded meat, crackers, botok, peanut brittle, and even shrimp chili sauce.

  1. White/Shrimp Shrimp

The characteristics of jerbung shrimp are that their skin is thin, smooth, white and slightly yellowish in color, and the texture tends to be dense. The length of this white shrimp reaches 20.32 cm. Can be prepared by steaming, boiling, baking, frying.

This type of sea prawn is often used as a nutritious dish in seafood restaurants. Known for its sweet, classic, dense taste and easy to clean process. Jerbung shrimp are easy to find on the market.

Jerbung Shrimp

  1. Peci Shrimp

Another variant of the jerbung shrimp is the peci shrimp which is dark white and has black spots. Small in size, it is often used as a complementary ingredient in processed bakwan, peanut brittle, or fried using flour.

Apart from being a complementary ingredient, peci shrimp can also be processed into various types of dishes. Starting from fried peci shrimp or sauteed sweet and sour.

  1. Press/Windu/Tiger Shrimp

Pressed shrimp or tiger shrimp are characterized by thick, hard, green or red skin, with dark transverse lines. This type of sea shrimp is large in size so it is suitable for processing into shrimp tempura.

Apart from that, tiger prawns are often used in dishes such as grilled honey prawns, prawn curry and prawn satay. No less delicious, another famous preparation for tiger shrimp is butter and sweet and sour sauce.

  1. Fan/Brush Shrimp

The next type of shrimp that is safe to consume is fan shrimp. At first glance, the shape is similar to a lobster, but the size is smaller, the skin is soft but a bit rough. Many are processed into balado seasoning or Padang sauce.

  1. Vaname/Whiteleg

Vename or whiteleg is priced more expensive than the previous type of sea shrimp. Even though the price is relatively high, in fact it is always in demand on the market. Its characteristics are white, with a bluish hue.

White shrimp are also known as king prawns or Pacific outih prawns. Healthy Friends can process it into a regular fried shrimp dish, seasoned with balado, soup, or as a complement to other food menus.

Fresh Vaname Shrimp

  1. Flower Shrimp

As the name suggests, this flower shrimp has pink flower-like legs, while its body is yellow-brown. A delicious and famous preparation of flower shrimp is stir-fried with mushrooms.

  1. Dogol/Pink Shrimp

The next type of sea shrimp is dogol or pink shrimp because the skin color is pinkish, slightly yellowish. It is called salad shrimp because its size is not very large, so it can be used as a complement to salad.

  1. Ronggeng Shrimp

At first glance, the shape of ronggeng shrimp is similar to lobster, but the two are different. When raw, ronggeng shrimp are plain black or gray. Meanwhile, lobsters, their patterns and motifs are very striking when they are still raw.

Apart from that, the shape of ronggeng shrimp is much flatter and elongated. Ronggeng shrimp are most often processed into spicy and sour sauce or simply fried and then eaten with rice.

Healthy sea prawns must be purchased from clean places so that the meat content is maintained. Make sure the processing is done correctly, so that the types of sea prawns above can become a delicious and nutritious dish.