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Cara Memasak Shirataki tanpa Merusak Nutrisinya

How to Cook Shirataki without Damaging the Nutrition

How to cook Shirataki is actually easy, but you still need to pay attention so as not to lose the important nutrients in it. Moreover, the price is more expensive than ordinary rice or noodles on the market.

Shirataki is a famous type of food from Japan. There are 2 types on the market, namely noodles and those that have been cut into pieces resembling the size and shape of rice.

One of the advantages of this food is that it is low in calories. It's not surprising that many people who follow healthy diet programs are looking for them to lose weight. The important point is in the right processing method.

How to Cook Shirataki without Damaging the Nutrition

Apart from being low in calories, Shirataki also helps the stomach feel full longer, thereby reducing the desire to snack. The processing must be correct so that the nutrients in it are not damaged, here are several methods.

  1. Boiled

The easiest way to cook Shirataki is by boiling it in water for 20 minutes until completely cooked. The characteristic when it is ripe is that the color changes to pure white and expands in size up to 4-5 times.

Organic Konjac Couscous Shirataki

  1. Using a rice cooker

Because it softens quickly, it needs to be mixed with regular rice. Wash the rice and Shirataki separately until clean, drain then mix in a cooking pan then add water, cook until cooked, approximately 30 minutes.

  1. Using a cooking pot

The method is to wash 160 grams of regular white rice, soak dry Shirataki for 30 minutes then drain. Mix both with 300-350 ml of clean water. Cook in a pan or pan like making aron.

Once it becomes aron rice, steam for 15 minutes until completely cooked. This way of cooking Shirataki is able to maintain the nutrients in it so that it is not damaged and the taste is better because it is mixed with regular rice.

  1. Cooking with other mixtures

The initial method is the same as using an electric cooker or pan. After cooking and simmering, mix it with the soup sauce and let it cool so that the taste of the soup is absorbed.

Can also be mixed with spices to make fried rice. If you are worried about the calorie content, you can fry it by simply roasting it or using olive oil.

Konjac Rice Shirataki

How to Cook Shirataki in Noodle Form

Apart from being in the form of rice grains, it is also available in the form of noodles. Usually the packaging is accompanied by a little water to maintain humidity with a slightly foreign aroma. This is also called wet Shirataki.

To cook, you need to soak it first for 2 to 3 minutes using clean water. The aim is to minimize the chemicals that result from the factory manufacturing process.

After a few moments, immediately lift and drain. The next step is to soak the noodles until they are completely submerged in new water. Then boil the noodles for 2 to 3 minutes using boiling hot water.

You need to pay attention to the temperature level when cooking Shirataki noodles. If it's too hot and long it will produce a tough texture which of course won't be enjoyable when eaten.

Once the noodles are at the desired level of elasticity, immediately remove from heat and cool in a container. Next, Healthy Friends can prepare vegetables to accompany them.

It can be combined with anything, because this noodle tastes bland so it won't spoil the taste. Examples include tomyam, rib soup, goat curry, chicken curry, rawon and so on.

So in this case its function is as a source of carbohydrates, but it is lower in calories and tasteless. Healthy Friends can continue to eat deliciously according to their favorite foods and stay full longer.

Konjac Spaghetti Shirataki

Here's How to Cook by Grilling

Apart from boiling, frying, there is also a cooking method by grilling. But it's not actually roasted over hot coals, it's still processed beforehand or you can use the wet form.

For this method of cooking Shirataki, try to use a non-stick pan for maximum results. Healthy Friends only needs a little oil or can be replaced with margarine, butter and the like.

Ready noodles, set aside first. Then prepare the basic ingredients in the form of chopped garlic and onions, minced meat, flavoring powder, cheese, oregano powder.

Heat a wok pan or non-stick pan, add a little margarine, stir until it melts then add the garlic and Bombay. Wait until it smells good and immediately add the minced meat, which can be chicken, beef, sausage, canned tuna, shrimp and so on.

Add broth until everything is completely submerged, add a little fresh milk, add noodles. Continue by adding the seasonings, a little grated cheese to add a savory taste.

Adding sauce, chili sauce and sugar is not recommended if Healthy Friends are on a diet. However, if you want, you can measure it yourself according to your taste as long as it's not excessive.

Minced meat can be replaced with vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, sweet corn, broccoli, kale leaves, spinach and so on. So it can be adjusted to suit your tastes and the diet method you are following.

This food processing method is quite simple because the taste is flexible. It can incorporate all the flavors of other foods, so Healthy Friends can be creative with other ways of cooking Shirataki.

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Inilah Jenis Jenis Udang yang Populer dan Banyak Dijual

This is the type of shrimp that is popular and widely sold

If you are a seafood lover, you are certainly familiar with the popular types of shrimp that are widely sold on the market. Shrimp is one of the most popular seafood menus among the wider community.

The soft texture of the meat is mixed with a savory and salty taste. Shrimp are easy to find in traditional and modern markets. This seafood can be processed into various delicious and nutritious dishes.

The most common example of a shrimp dish is prepared by frying it in flour. Made from prawns with butter sauce, sweet and sour sauce, or stir-fried with other food ingredients, it is no less delicious.

Economic Value of Shrimp in the Indonesian Market

The popularity of shrimp as a type of seafood makes it much sought after by local and international people. In fact, Indonesia is one of the largest producers and exporters of shrimp types in the world.

This is because shrimp are easily found in all marine and freshwater waters in Indonesia. In the fisheries subsector, various types of shrimp are commodities with a large contribution in Indonesia.

Its production is spread throughout the water areas, making Indonesia have the potential and opportunity to utilize and cultivate it. It is not surprising that the value of seafood exports continues to increase rapidly even during the pandemic.

In 2017, Indonesian shrimp had an export value of around Rp. 25.97 trillion. After experiencing a decline in 2018, the export value increased to Rp. 35.47 billion in 2019.

In 2021, the export volume of Indonesian shrimp types reached 250.71 million kilograms. This figure shows an increase compared to the total export volume in 2020 of 239.28 million kilograms.

Popular and Widely Sold Types of Shrimp

Shrimp are animals that live in waters with high protein content as food. Known for its mineral content, it is not surprising that demand for shrimp in the market continues to increase.

The many types of Indonesian shrimp do not always make all types easy to find. The following are popular types of shrimp that Healthy Friends can find easily because they are widely sold on the market.

  1. Jerbung Shrimp

The first type of shrimp is the jerbung shrimp which cannot be cultivated but has very high potential export market demand. It is called white shrimp and is easily found in the bays of large rivers.

The characteristics of jerbung shrimp include thin and slippery skin, a slightly yellowish white color. Jerbung shrimp can be fried in flour, sweet and sour, with Padang sauce, or as a complementary ingredient to the Tom Yum menu.

Jerbung Shrimp

  1. Tiger Prawns

The next shrimp is windu or tiger shrimp. The skin is thick, hard, green or red, with dark transverse lines. This type is often cooked into sweet and sour, satay, or grilled.

Tiger shrimp is a genuine non-oil and gas export commodity and is a favorite in the Indonesian fisheries sector, making its price expensive. Healthy Friends can buy it for around Rp. 150,000 per kilogram on the market.

  1. Giant Prawns

Next is the pole which is characterized by a brownish yellow, green color, and has transverse lines like tiger prawns. Galah is a freshwater shrimp which also has quite high economic value.

This is because there is not much supply, so it is difficult to find it. When he was small, the price was Rp. 40 per head, when the size is 3 – 5 cm it can increase to Rp. 250 per head.

Then when it measures 7 – 10 cm, the price becomes Rp. 450 per head. Even though the price is quite expensive, many people like giant prawns because they are large and have quite thick flesh.

Types of Giant Prawns

  1. Rebon shrimp

Next is the rebon shrimp with the smallest size compared to other shrimp. Their small size means that rebon shrimp are often used as a complementary ingredient in chili sauce, botok, and peanut brittle.

Some people think that types of shrimp such as rebon and ebi are the same. Even though at first glance they look similar, they are different in size and function. The size of ebi is much smaller and is processed until dry.

Rebon shrimp

The dried processing is intended to make ebi a food flavoring and flavor enhancer like shrimp paste. Meanwhile, rebon shrimp are above ebi in size and are often processed as a mixture of food ingredients for side dishes.

Other types of shrimp

  1. Peci Shrimp

  1. Fan Shrimp

  1. Vaname Shrimp

  2. Flower Shrimp

  3. Ronggeng Shrimp

Each type of shrimp has different shapes and characteristics, but most of them can be processed into the same menu. The selling price is comparable to the quality, making these shrimp much sought after.
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Berikut Jenis Udang Laut Sehat dan yang Aman Dikonsumsi

The following types of sea prawns are healthy and safe to consume

There are various types of sea prawns that are healthy, safe to consume, and are a favorite food for seafood lovers. This sea animal can be processed into various types of delicious dishes by sautéing, frying or grilling.

One shrimp contains calcium, protein and omega fats. Even though it is safe to consume, some people who have cholesterol problems should not consume much of it. Because the cholesterol content in shrimp is also quite high.

Please note that not all shrimp are safe to process and then consume. So Healthy Friends must first sort out which shrimp are good to serve as healthy food for the family.

Ingredients in Shrimp that are Good for the Body

Shrimp is a seafood that contains protein but is low in fat. The fat in sea shrimp is generally unsaturated fat so it can help increase good cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you consume shrimp in balanced portions, this seafood can provide many benefits for the body. The mineral content in shrimp meat consists of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin E.

As previously mentioned, shrimp contain omega-3 fatty acids. This content is naturally able to minimize inflammation and the risk of heart disease. It's best to consume about 8 ounces of shrimp a week.

Even the high iodine content in sea shrimp will interact with the thyroid gland to speed up its activity. So that iodine can minimize the risk of developing goiter or autoimmune disorders.

Vaname Shrimp Remaining Tail

Types of Sea Shrimp that are Healthy and Safe to Eat

After understanding the various ingredients in shrimp, of course Healthy Friends will be more confident in making healthy processed shrimp at home. The following are types of shrimp that are healthy and safe for consumption.

  1. Rebon/Ebi

Rebon shrimp have the smallest size compared to other types of marine shrimp, which is around 2 – 3 cm. The color is clear, it is often processed into shrimp paste, shredded meat, crackers, botok, peanut brittle, and even shrimp chili sauce.

  1. White/Shrimp Shrimp

The characteristics of jerbung shrimp are that their skin is thin, smooth, white and slightly yellowish in color, and the texture tends to be dense. The length of this white shrimp reaches 20.32 cm. Can be prepared by steaming, boiling, baking, frying.

This type of sea prawn is often used as a nutritious dish in seafood restaurants. Known for its sweet, classic, dense taste and easy to clean process. Jerbung shrimp are easy to find on the market.

Jerbung Shrimp

  1. Peci Shrimp

Another variant of the jerbung shrimp is the peci shrimp which is dark white and has black spots. Small in size, it is often used as a complementary ingredient in processed bakwan, peanut brittle, or fried using flour.

Apart from being a complementary ingredient, peci shrimp can also be processed into various types of dishes. Starting from fried peci shrimp or sauteed sweet and sour.

  1. Press/Windu/Tiger Shrimp

Pressed shrimp or tiger shrimp are characterized by thick, hard, green or red skin, with dark transverse lines. This type of sea shrimp is large in size so it is suitable for processing into shrimp tempura.

Apart from that, tiger prawns are often used in dishes such as grilled honey prawns, prawn curry and prawn satay. No less delicious, another famous preparation for tiger shrimp is butter and sweet and sour sauce.

  1. Fan/Brush Shrimp

The next type of shrimp that is safe to consume is fan shrimp. At first glance, the shape is similar to a lobster, but the size is smaller, the skin is soft but a bit rough. Many are processed into balado seasoning or Padang sauce.

  1. Vaname/Whiteleg

Vename or whiteleg is priced more expensive than the previous type of sea shrimp. Even though the price is relatively high, in fact it is always in demand on the market. Its characteristics are white, with a bluish hue.

White shrimp are also known as king prawns or Pacific outih prawns. Healthy Friends can process it into a regular fried shrimp dish, seasoned with balado, soup, or as a complement to other food menus.

Fresh Vaname Shrimp

  1. Flower Shrimp

As the name suggests, this flower shrimp has pink flower-like legs, while its body is yellow-brown. A delicious and famous preparation of flower shrimp is stir-fried with mushrooms.

  1. Dogol/Pink Shrimp

The next type of sea shrimp is dogol or pink shrimp because the skin color is pinkish, slightly yellowish. It is called salad shrimp because its size is not very large, so it can be used as a complement to salad.

  1. Ronggeng Shrimp

At first glance, the shape of ronggeng shrimp is similar to lobster, but the two are different. When raw, ronggeng shrimp are plain black or gray. Meanwhile, lobsters, their patterns and motifs are very striking when they are still raw.

Apart from that, the shape of ronggeng shrimp is much flatter and elongated. Ronggeng shrimp are most often processed into spicy and sour sauce or simply fried and then eaten with rice.

Healthy sea prawns must be purchased from clean places so that the meat content is maintained. Make sure the processing is done correctly, so that the types of sea prawns above can become a delicious and nutritious dish.

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